Babybel Bunnies are an adorable way to add cuteness to any party! These charming little bunny faces are healthy, naturally gluten-free, and easy to make. Furthermore, Babybel Bunnies certainly are a cute addition to any Easter tablescape.
Wait! Don’t stop there! Because these edible bunnies are delicious and cute, they also work well as a baby shower or birthday party appetizer.
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It begins with cheese!
With April quickly approaching, I felt creative and ready to make something fun for Easter. I had Babybel cheese in my refrigerator and realized that cheese makes a tasty appetizer.
As I stood there looking around my kitchen, I thought of different ways I could turn these cute little round mounds of cheesy goodness into something fun.
- Babybel cheese
- carrots
- celery
- mini chocolate chips
- white chocolate chips
- mini candy hearts.
Bunny Ears & Nose!
To make the ears, carefully cut long strips of carrots and shape them to make bunny ears. Make the ears wider at the top and more narrow at the bottom.
Since I own several fondant cutters I used a tiny heart-shaped cutter to punch out thin round pieces of carrot to make the bunny noses. After the noses were cut out, I placed the leftover carrot slices in a bowl of water. (I will explain how to use this later). If you do not have a heart-shaped fondant cutter you can always use a small circle of carrots instead.
Next, I gently pushed the carrot strips into the top and towards the back of the “head” of the cheese and gently pushed the little heart noses into the center.
Eyes & Cheeks!
I then took a toothpick and poked two holes where the eyes would be and placed mini chocolate chips, (pointed side downward), into each hole for the eyes. Two white chocolate chips on each side of the bottom of the nose help highlight the face. Feel free to use a dot of white cake frosting to hold them in place.
Cute Little Mouth!
For the final touch, I added a little tiny, upside-down candy heart for the bunny’s mouth. I had these candies leftover from Valentine’s Day and they worked perfectly for the mouth. (Remember that you can use just a dot of cake frosting to hold the mouth in place.)
Finally, I cut fine, thin little strips of celery and gently inserted them near the nose to make the whiskers.
Since I wanted to highlight one of the bunnies, I placed him on top of a Chocolate Crunch Rice Cake. Next, I surrounded him with all of his little bunny friends 🙂
To ensure that my Babybel Bunnies stayed fresh, I assembled them a few hours beforehand and stored them in my refrigerator. The carrot and celery pieces were also made beforehand and kept in a glass bowl covered with cold water. Hence, the cold water helped the carrots and celery stay nice and crisp.
Use the Leftover Scraps!
In addition, any leftover carrot pieces add a nice touch to a tossed salad, in soup, on a veggie tray, or children enjoy eating them plain as a snack.
Woman’s World Magazine!
Fyi… our BabyBel Bunnies post has been featured in the Easter edition of Woman’s World on newsstands March 27th – April 1st., 2015.
I hope that you enjoy these fun little critters!
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Rather than only offering sweets to your guests, consider offering them a plate loaded with Babybel Bunnies! It seems like a good idea to me! 🙂
Have fun creating your very own adorable little bunnies!
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